Marc Ament ... Mortar Platoon, Track 7, How Btry 3d Sqdn 11th ACR 8/67-7/68,
on my last mission; Air Cav Trp 7/68-10/68
VN7...July 1968 awards ceremony, How Btry 3d Sqdn 11th ACR, Sgt Mercado and
CPT Dennis L Fricke, ARTY, Commanding
VN35...Blackhorse, 8/67
How Btry 3/11 1968
APC behind Track 7, Mortar Platoon on my first mission; other members
of Track 7 at that time were Robson, Mruk, Cravey, and Clayton, 9/67 |
Ron Clayton writing a letter home, 9/67
The Boys, (back, left to right: X, X, X, X, Marc Ament; front: Jim
Perfect, Dockery?
Mortar platoon, 3/11 How, "fire" 11/67 (I took this at night with open
shutter, cigarette filters in my ears for cover while I hold the camera |
building bunker, Cambodian border to rear, 12/67, X and Ament
bunker, inside finished product, 12/67 |
L Trp 3/11 ACR in rubber |
Thomas Stastny of L Trp, and sarge with little friend, 3/68
one of How Btry's hogs at DUc Hoa, 3/68. I don't remember name of man
posing, but I believe he was later KIA
engineers mine-sweeping road north of Trang Bang; mortar platoon on
ambush patrol ahead (detail with them reveals apparent civilians)
detainee says he is on the way to visit grandma. Capt. says, "We'll
all visit grandma." Story checks out. 7/68.
dustoff 60m from grandma's house; grandma suspected of planting
anti-tank mine. 7/68
through the rubber. 7/68
FDC mobile unit. 7/68
LRRP will recon the area tonight, 7/68
captured 82mm Chicom mortar, Air Cav about 10/68
Ronald Susumi, Omori, Utah, 6/68
Track 7 Christmas 1967, l-r: Mruk, Freeman, Perfect; front: Ament |
Storm Dickenson and Tanner, 6/68
Jim Wildermuth, 6/68
Jim Perfect, tired after a long day, Loc Ninh, 1/68
Flanagan and Fetters, 7/68
30' from runway, at Ben Hoa?, 3/68
"Doc" How Btry medic, 4/68
Jim Marhoeffer, 7/68
Red Ormsby 7/68
Santos 11/67